Fitness Belfast Fitness Friday - Carnlough Harbour, Game of Thrones, Causeway Coastal Route
Afternoon! We’re back on the coast (at Game of Thrones fanspot Carnlough Harbour), with another Fitness Belfast Fitness Friday!
This was filmed over Easter when we were having better weather than Spain, which might not be the case this weekend, but it’s still light, bright and you should get outside!
This week your glutes won’t thank me - we’re on SQUATS! Super simple, no-equipment, 5 squat variations featuring:
Prisoner Squats
Prisoner Squats + Jump
Chair Squats / Chair Pose
Yogi Squat
Squat Walks
Give each exercise a try for 30 secs, and repeat 2 to 3 times for a 15 minute fantastic Fitness Belfast Fitness Friday!
PS - watch closely for my favourite ice-cream and curry chip establishments
PPS - if you’re into working out outdoors, sign ups for the next round of OUTDOOR Kickstart Bootcamp are open now!