Yoga block leg workout!

🙏 Yoga block leg workout
😤 Check out this awesome workout using a yoga block as a prop & deeply rhythmic breaths as your guide.
🔪Overhead lunge x 10 (each side)
🏋️ Overhead squat x 10
💪 Wall squat(block between thighs)x 30s
😮 Wall squat(block overhead) x 30s
☹️ Wall squat(block out in front) x 30s
🤔 Repeat sequence x 3 adding 10 secs to each wall squat.
😊 To control the movement through each sequence try inhaling deeply through the nose & exhaling slowly out the mouth. Use the pace of your breath to dictate your tempo or strengthen your position whilst holding. Should breathing become compromised or you feel any lingering tension or pain... CALL IT QUITS!
📖 Disclaimer - This workout will develop static strength perfect for activities that require a little extra balance. Be sure to squeeze that brick like you mean it though & engage abdominal muscles to provide a little extra support for the spine.
🔥 Perfect as a fiery warmup to a more strenuous yoga practice or to round out a balanced compound leg workout.
🙋🏼‍♂️enjoy responsibly 🙄

Gary Milligan